JUNE #1 2004


[This is the FIRST OF TWO MESSAGES MONTHLY sent to 7,739 Ithaca area residents]



THANKS TO THE DONORS WHO BRING YOU THIS LATEST EDITION. This editor will be able to provide one edition for every $200 in received. EVERYONE WILL CONTINUE TO RECEIVE ICN whether donating or not, but your donations will assure more will be published.

Donations can be sent to ICN, Box 365, Ithaca, NY 14851



Our city is broadcast globally via millions of websites. Among the most prominent: Cornell University (1,880,000), Ithaca + New York (964,000), Cornell + Ithaca (553,000), Ithaca College (248,000), Cayuga Medical Center (14,000), Moosewood Restaurant (12,600), City of Ithaca (11,100), Ithaca High School (7,210), Taughannock Falls (5,030), Ecovillage + Ithaca (4,320), Ithaca HOURS (3,880), Ithaca Commons (2,200), Ithaca Festival (1,590), Ithaca Health Fund (968), GreenStar + Ithaca (882), Grassroots Festival + Trumansburg (724), Ithaca Bakery (408), Purity Ice Cream + Ithaca (292).

ITHACA HIGH CLASS OF 1994 GRADS ARE BUSY, ten years later, STUDYING business, fluvial geomorphology, law, literacy, medicine, political science, psychology, public health, recreation, special education, WRITING childrens' books, curricula, loans, magazine articles, screenplays, software, TV shows, EMPLOYED as accountant , actuary, architect, art therapist, assistant district attorney, assistant principal, attorney, banker, dog rescuer, ebay baseball card vendor, golfwear manufacturer, grantwriter, librarian, market researcher, meteorologist, pharmaceutical researcher, photo technician, political campaigner, quality analyst, realtor, restauranteur, satellite technician, 'slacker', teacher, veterinarian, web designer, whale communicator.

ITHACA CLOCK MUSEUM displays 150 beautiful made-in-Ithaca calendar clocks up to 150 years old. 136 W. State St, Thursday-Sunday 1-4pm or by appointment: 227-2303. Assembled by Ralph Thorpe, who needs volunteers to expand hours.

WEATHER REPORT: Ithaca's trees are leafing winter behind. Thunder smashes along the valley like trucks out of control. Last month's rainfall twice the average-- someone impressed by high water changed street sign from Cascadilla (little waterfall) to Cascad_a (waterfall).

ITHACA SUMMER ALBUM: Visit these places for natural air conditioning.
* Ithaca%20by%20Summer
* selina/Ithaca.html
* Ithaca Falls
* Buttermilk Glen
* Cascadilla
* Lick Brook
* Enfield Glen

"NEAR FAR CONFECTIONARY & ICE CREAM BAR" to open this summer, 105 W. State (next to State Theatre) "The store will be reminiscent of old fashioned penny candy stores where community members can spend a quarter & buy a bag filled with tasty treats. During theater events, the store will also house a beverage bar where beer, wine & soda will be available exclusively to theater patrons."

GROW A ROW FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR campaign for food donations to Red Cross, Baptized Church of Jesus Christ, Salvation Army, Southside Community Center, Loaves & Fishes: Randy 227-8078

VOLUNTEER TOMPKINS helps you donate your time to community:





VOLUNTEER WITH ITHACA COMMUNITY RADIO: recording, editing for Ithaca Radiohour (we can train you & buddy you with others)


ITHACA FLEA MARKET features regional arts/crafts. Saturdays 10am-6pm, Triphammer Mall



--5pm Storytelling Circle: Iroquois stories, traditional games social dances.
--6pm Music & Native Dance with Ga-Li Music, poetry, snake dance
--7pm Guy Jones Speaking of Peace, Lakota Elder, author of "Teaching from Turtle Island"
--7:30pm An Evening with Mark Thunderwolf, Native American flute player
--Tickets $10 at Greenstar, $12 on the day of the event. Children free w/paid adult. 256-0257

PEOPLE'S GARDENING PROJECT classes: 6/12, 2pm, Container Gardening. 412 First St. free. 592-0196

ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING celebrates 100 houses & 1,000 loans, 6/12, noon-4pm, 115 Clinton St. with BBQ, Salsa lessons, open house, walking tour.

GET MUDDY! Learn about natural building by helping build a straw-clay house on German Cross Rd. 6/12 & 13, 6/19 & 20, 7/10 & 11, 9am-6pm. Experienced builder directs. RSVP 273-8671

KENNY RITTER BENEFIT 6/12, 5pm. dance party potluck, 471 Bostwick Rd (last house on left before Sheffield Rd). This is now a benefit for the whole family, whose house burned after lightning strike.

COOL DIAMOND THEATRE TROUPE: Senior Citizens tell their stories: 6/12, 3pm at Lifelong (formerly Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council), 119 W. Court St. Refreshments & a talk back w/troupe after performance. Donation requested. 273-1511. "Senior citizens find that there are very few roles in theatre, movies & especially TV that portray them as real people or the way they want to be seen."

ITHACA FARMER'S MARKET now open THURSDAYS, 3-7pm at Steamboat Landing (Saturdays & Sundays 9am-2pm). Tuesdays 9am-2pm in DeWitt Park.

JUNETEENTH FESTIVAL 6/14-20, Southside Community Center. Music, food, fun.

COMIC BOOK CLUB 6/15, 7:30-8:30pm, TCPL. "Bring your recollections & collections." Third Tuesdays 7-9pm

"YOU DON'T NEED ANOTHER STROKE" seminar 6/16, 1-2:30pm, Finger Lakes Independence Center (FLIC), 215 Fifth Street, Tompkins County Stroke Support Group. Also 6/23, 7-8:30pm. RSVP 272-2433

EBAY WORKSHOPS 6/16, 6-8pm & 6/19, 2-4pm, Tompkins County Public Library

FIGURE STUDY 6/16, 6-9pm, See Spot, 108 The Commons. Any medium, $5, HOURS okay.

6/16 Donna The Buffalo
6/22 Margaret Wakeley & The Backtalk Band
6/25 The Burns Sisters Band
7/2 Trevor MacDonald & Sunny Weather
7/6 Latin Jazz Army
7/16 Steve Southworth & The Rockabilly Rays
7/20 Ageless Jazz Band

CHARITABLE ESTATE PLANNING 6/17, 4-6pm, Holiday Inn. RSVP required: Susan McCormick 844-5252 or Chris Reilly 254-6179.

"WOMEN WRITE!" speakers 6/17, noon, WCB. Bring brown bag lunch. Features women who participate in various writing groups. Women's Information Network

NAME-YOUR-OWN-PRICE GARAGE SALES by Student Reuse Project 6/19-20 & 6/26-27, 9am-5pm. Early Bird preview sale 6/18, 3-7pm (prices will be higher at this sale). Ithaca Shopping Plaza on Elmira Road, next to Northside Wine & Spirits. Percentage of the proceeds to Ithaca Community Radio & See Spot Community Art Space. volunteers needed: 277-2222

CUBA FRIENDSHIP WEEK films, speakers, photo exhibit, a rally, dinner. CUBAN FILM SERIES 8:30pm, 6/19, 20, 22, 23, & 24 on Commons at Amphetheatre.

SUMMER SOLSTICE VIGIL AND LABRYNTH WALK 6/20, sunrise 5:29am. Stone Circle at Foundation of Light, Turkey Hill Rd. "Please approach quietly. Bring chair if you wish. Wear shoes for walking dewy labrynth." Free. Inside if rain. [email protected] 435-1006

PARENTS APART: Helping Children Cope w/ Separation & Divorce 6/21 (Part 1) & 6/28 ( Part 2), 6-9pm. RSVP to CDRC at 607-273-9347.

FIGURE STUDY 6/23, 6-9pm, See Spot, 108 The Commons. Any medium, $5, HOURS okay.

HANDS FOUR DANCERS OF ITHACA Annual Meeting 6/24, 7:30pm Ecovillage Common House. Ithaca's member-run contra dance organization.

PUNK SHOW 6/25, 7pm, Endive (Ithaca punk,, Ghost Of Dan Howard (Ithacapunk), Delay (Cleveland punk), Bob & the Sagets (PA ska punk), The Taj Mahal Trio. See Spot 108 The Commons 277-7560. $5. HOURS okay.

CUBA FRIENDSHIP RALLY 6/25 noon, Commons: City Attorney Marty Luster, Congressional aid Dan Lamb, former Ithaca Mayor Ben Nichols, representative of Pastors for Peace, more.
CUBA FRIENDSHIP DINNER 6/25, 6:30pm, First Baptist Church, Dewitt Park All week: photo exhibit by Cuban photographer Javier Machado, See-Spot Gallery, the Commons.

COMPOSTING CLASSES 6/26 (last Saturdays) noon-1pm free, no reservation

GREATER ITHACA ACTIVITIES CENTER Board of Directors Annual Meeting 6/29, 5:30pm -7pm, Women's Community Bldg. Keynote speaker: Ms. Dorothy Cotton: "Lessons from the American Civil Rights Movement for Citizen Engagement Today." Ms. Cotton was Education Director for the Citizenship Education Program of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Donation $10/person requested. RSVP 272-3622 by 6/22

CORNELL CIVIC LEADERS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM GRANTS $5,000 to each of 4 selected fellows for travel, housing, sabbatical leave expenses, community project expenses or sponsoring agency support." Apply by 6/28: under the "What's New" category.

LATIN BALLROOM DANCE LESSONS 6/29-8/5 Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:45-8:15pm. For beginners. 12 classes $60. HOURS accepted. [email protected] 257-3161

"MUSIC IN THE PARK" SUMMER FAMILY CONCERTS Montgomery Park, Elm Street, Dryden. Wednesdays 6/30-8/18. Mark Rust, The Burns Sisters Band, Steve Southworth and the Rockabilly Rays, The Seven Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines, SwampCats, Rubin Everidge and the SanAnTones, The Purple Valley, Sunny Weather.

FIGURE STUDY 6/30, 6-9pm, See Spot, 108 The Commons. Any medium, $5, HOURS okay.

BLUE MOON LITERARY JOURNAL seeks material: deadline 7/1. "This issue will contain nothing but QUESTIONS on any topic, from personal to cosmic, from divine to ridiculous. No answers. No stories. No poems. Just questions! (contributors' names placed at end & not identified w/ individual questions)." Irene Zahava [email protected] "Blue Moon" in subject box. No attachments. Include name, address, phone. Co-published by Alternatives Library & WCB.

SPANISH FOR ACTIVISTS CAMP 7/3-5, workshops, poetry, music, fun. Common Place Land Cooperative, Truxton, NY (near Cortland). "learn Spanish in an activist context, network w/ other activists, have fun!"




THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ: 6/14, 7:30pm, Unitarian Church Annex, Maura Stephens & George Sapio.

U.S. CAMPAIGN TO END THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE speaker Joshua Ruebner 6/15, 6:30-8:30pm, Tompkins County Library.

Selective Service: Among FY 2004 Annual Performance Goal" "Attain and appoint Registrars in 85% of the Nation's high schools." Student deferment to be severely curtailed Antiwar activists can apply to be members of draft board
---Nearly 25% of homeless are veterans
---Ithaca needs a divinity school here for 2-D deferment, needs antiwar counseling in high school.

NADER POSTER POTLUCK 6/21, 6pm, 114 South Rd, Brooktondale. 539-6986 [email protected]


US-CUBA FRIENDSHIPMENT CARAVAN leaves Ithaca 6/25. You can go to Cuba with them: Cris McConkey [email protected] FCO/Pastors for Peace [email protected]


RONALD REAGAN AUTOGRAPH in copy of "Speaking My Mind" at Autumn Leaves: $2,000.



CORNELL RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY second Tuesdays, ScienceCenter, 7:00pm.
ITHACA RAIL HISTORY & old rail station



"Please add me to the Ithaca Community News mailings. I've been living here since 1981, and would really like to read the news you put out. Thanks!" --Lisa H.

"Hello, does anyone know of an entity that would be interested in picking up & taking 1/2 of the food on alternate Sundays. The quantity is too much for the Sunday Friendship Donations Network pantry & they would like to share it. Area supermarkets are donating about 1,500-2,000 lbs of assorted fresh perishable & some non-perishable food daily. So there is a large variety of nutritious food at each daily pantry which many of our consumers would not be able to afford if they had to buy it." --Sara Pines [email protected] 272-6758

"A group of us community members have begun to create a Voters Guide for the area. We now need to spread the word & obtain feedback &/or volunteers, funding, etc. We do have a website in its eary stage" --Diane Yates

"Several community members recently met to arrange a Memorial Day commemoration of all those who have died in Iraq, both Americans, coalition members & Iraqi civilians. We decided to attempt to re-create a memorial that an Ithaca College honors sociology class installed at the quad at IC: they inserted over 14,000 chopsticks in the ground, one representing each death; later they held a candlelight vigil.
---"Not surprisingly, our permit asking permission to install the chopsticks at DeWitt Park downtown was denied on the basis of 'danger.'
---"More surprisingly, our permit for a one-hour prayer vigil on Monday night was denied. Why?Because we don't have insurance to gather in DeWitt Park.
---"When I submitted the permit, a DPW employee happened to be in the main office at City Hall. I asked him about the requirement for insurance for any use of the park. He told me that that rule had been passed about a year ago but was used in the case of commercial ventures. The city recognized, he claimed, that 'neighbors' wouldn't be able to hold block parties or other gatherings if insurance was required because the cost would be prohibitive.
---"So here we are today, being denied our guaranteed right to assembly-- because we have no insurance. Is this regulation uniformly imposed upon community members or is it used only in cases where there is some political tone to the gathering?
---"By the way, the intent of this memorial hour was to remember ALL those who have died in this deplorable war, not to make political speeches or attack political leaders. Very ironic that remembering the victims of this war is now taboo yet neocons mouth 'support our troops' whenever someone criticizes the war.
---"Please, if you live in Ithaca, let your elected officials know that a group of people wanted to hold a non-political prayer vigil for the dead on Memorial Day, & were denied a permit. " --Linda Holzbaur

"I just came across your Community News website for Ithaca-- I really enjoyed the creativity & community-building your site provides. And thanks for your community work--it's work close to my heart. I've worked with city governments on positioning, marketing & economic development & found it fulfilling work to help create vibrant communities." --Patricia Frank

"I have recently created a new list serve on Yahoo called rideshare_upstateny In this day of high prices, global warming & a search for community building, many of us are looking for transportation alternatives. Buses are not always convenient or available. If you would like to link up with others to ride share or car pool, this is the list serve for you! If you would like to join send a note to [email protected] & I will send you an official invite" --Joey Gates [email protected]

---[EXCERPT from press release by Mary L. White, filing legal challenge to the current interpretation of NYS Consitution barring gay partners from obtaining marriage licenses.]
---"We are quiet folk really, who go to work, pay taxes, play with the grandkids, plant flowers. We do ask for basic respect, and that includes the right to marry.
---"I want acknowledgment of the same rights & benefits before the law as anyone else in a bonded, trusting & committed relationship. There are dozens of these - starting with the right to hospital visits & emergency medical decisions. My partner is the person I would trust to make those decisions.
---"I believe in the most basic principles of democracy - All people are created equal-- period-- all of us.
---"And I believe in Freedom of Worship, the separation of church & state, that religious values are to be respected, but not followed in exactly the same way by everyone. We are a country of religious freedom .
---"Our founders had good reasons for creating a state w/freedom of religion as a principle, of separation of church & state. Their ancestors had seen & described the world torn apart by religious wars, by intolerance --the Crusades against Islam of the Middle Ages & the later the bloody conflicts among various Christian sects throughout Europe. They wanted none of that here.
---"They were looking at a country with many religions present from the beginning - the Native American were holding onto their rituals; Africans, both free and enslaved, were bringing in Islam & other religions from their former homes. There were Jews among the early European settlers; in seaports there were Buddhists and Hindus. And every variety of European Christianity had its adherents & its rivals, with new sects in process of developing.
---"If the new nation was to survive there absolutely had to be a climate of respect. Massachusetts Protestants had to learn to restrain their urge to flog Quakers & Virginia Episcopalians had to sit down to dine w/ Maryland Catholics. Today we still must learn to respect each other & to get along, recognize our basic humanity & equality." --Mary L. White

"Why does the news cost $200 to produce? Are you paid for your time to put it together?" D.K.
---[REPLY] Takes about 20 hours per edition, so $200 = $10/hour. I'm paid when readers donate.



ITHACA BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE video wins National Award: Documentary Public Awareness, from 2004 Hometown Video Festival, on founding of IBCA. Over 4,000 entries/year.

INDIAN CHIMNEY FARM, an alpaca farm in Lansing, receives grant from NYS Agritourism & Education Program. Grand Opening of Indian Chimney Farm & country gift shop 10/9 & 10. 10am-4pm.



LOVING TOUCH CENTER OF THE FINGER LAKES Reiki classes 6/12-13. Reiki Circle 1st & 3rd Thursdays 6:30pm, Women's Community Bldg. Gretchen Avery 539-7085 HOURS accepted. Health Fund discount.

LOVE MEDICINE: 3-Day Mixed Media Retreats 7/1-3 & 7/20-22. "Explores the book as witness, companion, aide de memoire. Starting w/existing books, we will saw, snip, fold, hammer, collage, print, stencil & stamp to create a book/object/ container for charms , spells, enchantments. Register: $275. HOURS 10%

MOTHERING MEDITATION WORKSHOP Wednesdays 10-11:30am. $30-$50 sliding scale. HOURS accepted. Dalya Tamir [email protected] 272-0367

KRASSIMIRA HEALTH RETREAT ON CAYUGA LAKE 8/24-28 "to restore physical health & balance with your emotional and spiritual life." Specifically directed at a better understanding of food, balance between physical, emotional, spiritual well-being. Organic foods, consultation w/ Registered Dietitian, classes in nutrition, cooking, yoga, detoxification, naturopathy, meditation --Optional massage, aromatherapy, hot stone therapy, lymphatic drainage, meditations, walks through woods. Michele Wilbur [email protected] 227 6993 Anatole Krattiger 532-4413 [email protected] HOURS accepted.

SPACE FOR HEALING ARTS PRACTITIONER/S quiet downtown office. Up to 3 weekdays, some weekends & evenings. HOURS welcome. 256-7070 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE avail 8/1 for therapist, non-profit or consultant. 411 W. Seneca St. $450 month, utilities incl. HOURS accepted. 257-8042 [email protected]


FREE LIGHTLINK HOTSPOTS for radio laptop. "Set your SSID to lightlink, mail server, news server

Thanks to Homer & Jane at LIGHTLINK for reliable internet services.

HOMER FIGHTS SPAM: "Viral infections have been rampant & almost all infected machines these days are turned into zombie spam robots. That's where all the spam you are seeing is coming from. Worse the bots use addresses in people's address books, so the addresses are known good, & once an infected machine finds an address book it shares it with others! Presently we are blocking 2,677,479 infected machines from talking to us and it's growing every day."


EDITOR: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>