November #2 2002


[This is the first of two messages monthly sent to 6,794 Ithaca area residents]

FIFTEEN READERS OF THIS ISSUE HAVE WON GIFT CERTIFICATES with Ithaca Bakery ($5), Viva Taqueria ($5), Cinemapolis/Fall Creek Pictures (2 tickets), Ithaca Fine Chocolates (4-pack),a href="">Gimme! Coffee (1# coffee), Oasis Grocery ($5), Harvest Deli ($6), Ten Thousand Villages ($10), ABC Cafe ($10), Cafe Strand ($5), Acorn Designs ($7.50), Toko Imports ($5), Mundo Gitano ($10), White Lotus Home ($10), The Yoga Corner (free class). WINNING EMAILS (randomly selected by computer) ARE NOTED BELOW.


* A gang of young women running around with their bras outside their shirts.
* Bright purple clouds at sunset
* Segway, the gyroscopic electric scooter, on West Seneca St, shortly after visit by inventor Dean Kamen.
* Beavers building near Farmer's Market
* "While heading east on Tompkins St. 11/6 a large white-tail buck...headed straight for us! Our horned friend made a right on Cayuga St. & headed north." --Suse & Megan
* Four friends playing Monopoly-- when one dominates w/hotels, the others collectize their properties & build co-op hotels. The co-ops overwhelm the oppressor, who asks to join their co-op. All win.


"A HISTORY OF MAYOR ALAN J. COHEN'S ADMINISTRATION OF ITHACA, NY 1996-2002: Or Why Your Taxes are Going Up and Up," by Joe Wetmore, is an extensively documented 50-page review of City Hall initiatives such as Widewaters, Eckstrom, Boatyard Grill, Lakesource Cooling, Ithaca Falls, control of public boards, & the Cohenocrats. Says Wetmore, "Dozens of people researched, fact-checked, edited & gave encouragement. It was not produced to prevent Alan's re-election, since he's made it clear he has no intention of running again. Rather it's offered as a civics lesson to help us prevent such things from happening again." Available for $2.00 at Autumn Leaves Used Books, 108 The Commons.



I-TOWN RECORDS ACOUSTIC SHOWCASE 11/22 at Autumn Leaves Used Books 7-10pm. Featuring Uniit, Gabe Tavares, Bert Scholl, Patti Witten, Paso Fino. $8.00 or $10 at door. HOURS accepted. "I travel all over the United States of Generica," says Kevin Kinsella. "Ithaca is really distinct, and I-Town celebrates the difference."

SEE-SPOT GALLERY CONCERTS (108 The Commons). To book an event: 277-3748
11/21 The Know How, Endive, SAAA, Evil-I, Pathetik: 5-10pm (Womens Community Building)
11/23 Little Egypt 7-12pm (Womens Community Building)
11/24 Punk Show: Dave Lane
11/30 Punk Show: The Revenge, Allmighty, Corn on Macabre

CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE "fun & playful" Wednesdays 7:30-9:30pm at Tiamat Studio, 136 The Commons. $7.00. HOURS accepted. JAM SESSION first Sunday/mo. 4-6pm. $4.00 or HOURS. [email protected]

STATE THEATRE USHER TRAINING (last for this year) 11/26 at 7:00pm.

"SURD," AN ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT of one Cornell Student's paper use. An Installation by Jenifer Wightman: "A spatial interpretation of paper consumption at Cornell Arboretum" until 11/25. Based only on what paper is recycled, each student requires 500 square meters of land in continual production."

DINNER MUSIC Wednesdays, 6-8pm at Collegetown Bagels, 203 N. Aurora St:
11/20: Tom Olson, Blues
12/4 & 12/18 Charlie Young w/Jason Violette: pop, jazz, standards

'AN ALIEN'S POINT OF VIEW' by Susan Verberg; "photo documentary of cultural differences between Netherlands & U.S. At Clinton House artspace until 11/30.

COLLAGE ARTIST Karen Michelle Stanley, College Town Bagels, East Hill Plaza until 12/15. "Her work provokes questions about body image & the images of American culture." 273-5015.

TEATROTALLER: "Cornell's only Spanish-language Theatre group" presents FUNERAL HOME "una tragicomedia en Espanol." Detailed synopsis of the play provided in English. "Despite its title, the play actually focuses not on death, but on life & on the choices the protagonist, a young widow, must make after suddenly losing her husband"- Shaw 11/22 & 23, 8:00pm James Law Auditorium - CU Vet School
---Tickets $5 advance / $6 at door: LASP (190 Uris Hall) & LSP (4th Fl Rockefeller). HOURS accepted.

CHERISH THE LADIES "all-women Irish-American music sensation" 12/2 Autumn Leaves Bookstore. Shows at 7:00pm &9:30pm. Tickets $20 advance, $23 at door if available. Half HOUR/ticket accepted. Tickets: Autumn Leaves, Ithaca Guitar Works, GreenStar, via 277-3414.

"Headcoverings for the Renaissance Woman" shown at Alternatives Federal Credit Union until 11/30.

BOUND FOR GLORY radio show, "North America's longest-running live folk concert broadcast" (since 1967) Sunday nights 8:30pm, Anabel Taylor Hall, Cornell. WVBR 93.5FM webcast:



STOP DARTH RUMSFELD online: new game by ICN reader MC Sandlerbrau "It is up to you to stop him." Press "F" to fire. Arrows move you side to side.

"ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE!" says Ithaca Social Forum 11/22-23 "Inspired by the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil. "During the two days, we aim to link local & global issues, develop concrete proposals for community improvement."
---11/22 First Presbyterian Church - 7:30 - 9:30 Keynote speaker Michael Albert: "Another World Is Possible!: Alternative Economic Visions" Michael Albert is editor of Z Magazine & ZNet. Author of "Trajectory of Change: Activist Strategies for Social Transformation" (South End, 2002).
---11/23 First Baptist Church -9:00 - 9:30 Opening w/ music and communal singing *9:30am - 1pm Workshops; 1-2:00pm Lunch; 2- 4:00pm "Where Do We Go From Here?" (plenary discussion)
---Unitarian Church -4:30 - 5:00pm Cookies, Coffee and Juice; 5- 7:00pm Michael Albert: "From Anti-War Activism to Social Justice"
--Local Government a Community Decision Making
--Green Planning and Environmental Sustainability
--Public Schools and Youth Opportunity
--Local Economic Development: Problems and Solutions
--Activist Networking and Alternative Media
--Social Services and the Budget Crises
* Satya P. Mohanty Child care: 256-1164.

AMY GOODMAN IN ITHACA12/13, 7pm, Ford Hall, Ithaca College (confirm date). "Democracy Now" back on 88.1FM weekdays 9am. "translator was down for a couple weeks due to a bad filter." Updates:

NO CHILD LEFT UNRECRUITED: The federal 'No Child Left Behind Act' requires public secondary schools to provide military recruiters not only w/ access to facilities, but also contact info for every student-- or all federal aid ends. Students have the right to withhold their records, but some school officials are simply handing over student directories to recruiters. What is Ithaca doing?


BIKES FOR CHIAPAS is fixing & shipping hundreds of bikes to Mexico this spring. To help: [email protected] Chiapas news

JUSTICE IN THE FIELDS 11/21, 6:00-7:30pm URIS G08: "A panel w/farmworkers from Upstate New York, Cornell Migrant Program, Rural & Migrant Ministry & CITA (the Independent Farmworkers' Center). There are 47,000 farmworkers in NYS. 75% earn less than $10,000/yr.

"BLCC" wins gift certificate to Viva Taqueria. Reply by 12/5 to claim.


GREENSTAR CO-OP FORUM gathered 47 members 11/14 to discuss the co-op's direction. Product line education & expansion were prominent topics. Some excerpts:
---"GreenStar should lead away from corporately-produced food systems to local foods, being really different than Wegmans. Pressure to expand expands pressure to keep our product line less rigorous" (Joanna Green). See greenstarstock.html
---"We need to go beyond marketing imported brands, to manufacturing locally. Even if our stock was produced by organic worker-managed Gandhian elves in Oregon, we should help finance new start-ups locally. When Wild Oats targets Ithaca, we need to be different than a supermarket" (Rob Young).
---"Monsanto profiting from our sales feeds the war machine. We don't need 29 kinds of granola & 31 types of chips. Our freedom to choose imposes poverty on the Third World" (Michael).
---"I have questions about doubling the store's size. If we don't fix our product line concerns first, they get worse in a bigger store" (Becca Harber).
---"GreenStar should not be a club of the converted. We make social change by opening our doors to educate-- by showing alternatives" (Roberta Moudrey).
---"Bigger stores are more impersonal. Consultants find this abstract, but it's important" (Tracy Frisch).
---"An expanded store would provide all the best of what we do now, with a little more room" (John Rowehl).
---"Where our Mission Statement is not honored in the present store, we can't [expect to] expand it in a larger store" (Tammi Baker).
---"Our natural food prices should be the lowest in town. If you find out otherwise, please let us know" (Patrice Jennings).

EARTHSHIP GREENHOUSE at Six Circles Organic Farm: "a hexagonal temple for year-round food production." Work exchange for veggies. 582-6204

"TT7LUPIN" wins gift certificate toABC Cafe. Reply by 12/5 to claim.


FREE INTERNET SKILLS CLASSES for kids & teens 11/23 at Wownet Cafe, 111 N. Aurora, taught by Cornell National Society of Black Engineers. Surfing, web design & email. Sessions from 10am-noon & noon-2pm. Reigster by 11/22: Cornell Ithaca Partnership 216-0510 or at Wownet.

SANSKRIT WORKSHOP 12/7 10am-6pm; 12/8. 9am-4pm. Tuition: $225 at The Yoga Corner, 903 Hanshaw Rd 25% HOURS accepted



TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES hosts Community Shopping Evening 12/4 for World AIDS Day. 15% of total sales 4 -8pm donated to AIDSWork of Tompkins County. Complimentary bagels & coffee Sundays 12/8, 15, 22 from 10am 1 pm. "Holiday shopping doesn��t have to be a drag! Also we will give you a free package of star streamers with any purchase over $25."

BIG TAG SALE & AUCTION by Out Loud Chorus 11/23 at Big Red Barn (Cornell) 9 am-4 pm, w/auction noon-1pm. "Hundreds of amazing items, including bikes, exercise equipment, furniture, sports cards, computer, household necessities. Many local goods & services. Ithaca HOURS accepted.

SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE MUTUAL FUNDS, IRAs, pension plans. "Caring personal attention and references. Ithaca HOURS accepted for some services." Newsletter Brian Sullivan

FARMER'S MARKET open Saturdays 9pm-2pm until 12/21. Dress warm, buy local!

MUNDO GITANO'S CLOSING PARTY 12/14 noon-8pm. w/food & Clint Swank Band at 2pm. Last day: 12/31. Sale 12/26- 31: 40%-75% off everything. Thanks Mina!

BUY NOTHING DAY: 11/29 holiday begun 1993 by the Adbusters Media Foundation is now celebrated in over 40 countries. "The bottom line is that we are consuming the planet to death, stealing finite resources from future generations & transforming them into wastes..."

"MFG" wins gift certificate to Ithaca Bakery. Reply by 12/5 to claim.
"DILLO" wins gift certificate to Toko Imports. Reply by 12/5 to claim.
"SEWNRIGHT" wins gift certificate to 10,000 Villages. Reply by 12/5 to claim.



* November 18, 1839: Ithacans contribute over $1,000 to the American COLONIZATION Society after a lecture by Dr. Proudfit. The Society was organized to ship free black people back to Africa.
* November 19, 1833: Barber Robert Maines announces his STEAM-POWERED SHAVING BLADE. "The knife is about the size of a broad axe, with tongs to steady the patient. The whole concern is to be heated red hot. It cuts the hair in the completest manner, by taking off the head at the same time."
* November 20, 1883: Louisa Baker's clothes catch fire, six hands rescue her, are badly hurt, though Louisa is unburnt.
* November 21, 1878: Black folks' party at Journal Hall, with Wright's Orchestra, vocal music, & black brass band, features a CAKE WALK where first prize for fanciest couple is a cake with gold ring.
* November 22, 1903: Saloon-keeper visits neglected home of a man who drinks all he earns. Wife asks he be sold no more liquor, bartender agrees and sends her a ton of coal to make amends.
* November 23, 1915: Steamboat CITY OF ITHACA burns & is sunk to save it, by firemen pouring water into hold. Thus preserved from fire, it was later raised from Inlet.

---IDENTIFYING FOSSILS FOUND IN NEW YORK STATE 11/23 noon-1pm "Find out more about the animals that lived here 380 million years ago & how they compare with animals living today. Bring in some of your own fossil mysteries for identification!" Paleontological Research Institute, 1259 T-Burg Rd.



"With energy degregulation, I have the opportunity to switch electricity suppliers & fuel). Very few say much or anything about their production. Is a company like Hess that does not import Middle Eastern oil necessarily better (i.e. are they trying to drill in protected areas in Alaska?) Do you know anything about any of them or have any recommendations?" --Beth Wolf
---[REPLY] Tompkins County Action hosts mtg to compare providers 12/7, 10am-noon, 701 Spencer Rd (behind Buttermilk Falls Plaza) Reservations 273-8816. The regional Municipal Electric & Gas Alliance buys from Advantage (below). We need to form a nonprofit insulation co-op.
---Here are websites for available suppliers: Advantage Energy, Agway, Amerada Hess, NewEnergy, Dynergy Energy, Econnergy Energy Empire Natural Gas, Energetix, Energy Cooperative of NY, Mirabito Gas & Electric, NYSEG Solutions, Pro-Energy Development, Select Energy, Sempra Energy Solutions, Strategic Power Management --------

"Where can I find some temporary job agencies? With a crappy work history I thought this may be my only choice. Any suggestions?" --Hempdude
---[REPLY] Check the Yellow Pages: Employment Agencies. Also see Tompkins Workforce Center 171 The Commons. Put a notice at GreenStar Co-op, P & C, laundromats, etc describing your skills & interests.
---Ithaca's got a lively entrepreneurial base. If you'd like to start a business you can find the resources. Check the CEO Program at Alternatives Federal Credit Union, & list yourself in the HOUR Town local currency directory

"I want to add another bumper sticker to your news, one that my son-in-law really likes on my car. "Born OK the first time." And therefore there is no such thing as 'evil' (or original sin). We are born innocent & loving babies that lose that when we have been oppressed by fears of our true feelings. It is so sad that 'fearful' groups have to label Ithaca as evil, when so much good change comes [from here]. How about a shirt or whatever clothing that says, "Ithaca LIVEs" which is the word evil backwards!" --Dianea
---[REPLY] Here are other local reactions to the honor --------

"Your newsletter was as usual full of news we don't get anywhere else. Thank you so much. Also, thank you for linking to the excellent article about Paul Wellstone & the other small plane crashes. Michael Niman talks at the end of the article about the need for an independent investigation of the 'accident.' That entire list of small plane crashes ought to be published somewhere in the news media for all to draw their own conclusions. If nothing is wrong, no one should mind, & the openness would be in the spirit of Paul Wellstone." --Bente King

"Come on, including this kind of paranoid hysteria [about Wellstone], when there are so many real & important issues to focus on, does a disservice to your readers & the public. It also lowers the journalistic credibility of ICN. You can do better, we deserve better." --Todd Miner
---[REPLY] Well, you might be right, though enough people spoke with me about their misgivings (particularly since Sen. Edward Kennedy was intended to have been on the plane as well) that when I received this article I thought it plausible enough for consideration. Thanks for the cautionary note.

"I'm covered by Cornell University's health program, but my sister (who works less than 20hrs/week for the university) is not eligible for health benefits (despite years of service). Is it possible to buy Ithaca Health Fund gift memberships? It seems to me that there might be a lot of folks with coverage who'd like to help out friends & relatives who don't." --K.H.
---[REPLY] Several people have bought memberships for friends. It's a great holiday gift idea. To enroll your friend, send her name, address, phone & email if you know it (so we can send a monthly update), with $100, to Health Fund, Box 362, Ithaca, NY 14851. ---We'll enclose a gift card or holiday card, as you prefer, with membership card & explanation.

"I just moved here from Portland, and a friend of mine who went to school here said you're the best newsletter in town. I'd love it if you added my name to your mailing address." --Allison"
---- "CSTEWART" wins gift certificate to Ithaca Fine Chocolates. Reply by 12/5 to claim.

"Nice to see your reference to the New York Times article on traveling to Ithaca. It really made my day the day it originally appeared. You might be interested to know: not only did the Ithaca Journal not mention what is, after all, quite a boost for at least the local establishments mentioned in the article, if not the whole town, BUT they actually edited out my 1-sentence reference to the glowing travelogue in a letter to the editor that they printed (supporting Barbara Lifton).
---"I was amazed-- do you think that they think Ithaca Journal readers don't know that the New York Times exists (so they don't want to tell them)? Does the mere mention of a paper that has high standards & wide respect give them an inferiority complex? Your generous, community-minded journalism is a refreshing contrast!" --Krys

"Do you know of a URL for the group proposing an organic cemetery in Brooktondale? The question has come up on my breast cancer mailing list." --Sharon
---[REPLY] You may be referring to the Newsfield cemetary plan. Coordinator Mary M. Woodsen has founded the Pre-Posthumous Society, and wrote an article in the latest Utne Reader on green burial ("Green Good-bye") 272-4034

"Please add my email to your list. Also, I heard there's a Peace vigil every morning in Ithaca. If you had any information on where and when, I'd like to participate." -- Lisa & Nickie Carrier-Titti ---[REPLY] Peace Vigil Wednesday mornings 7:45am-8:45am, corner Aurora & Commons. 273-8025

"Regarding the following complaint from a fellow reader: 'Why is it that the Democrats are always telling Greens we are wasting our vote when we vote for anyone other than a Democrat? And isn't voting all about feeling good about the candidate? Poor Democrats, so abused they don't realize you CAN feel good about the person you vote for.'
---"There's a certain grim irony here. The Greens completely alienated me two years ago. They were lobbying hard for NY Dems like me to vote for Nader, yet insisted on using the incredibly condescending 'vote your conscience, not your fear' slogan.
---"Both Democrats & Greens have to take responsibility for their own success or failure at persuading people to vote for their candidates. If you want someone's vote, you need to treat that person w/ dignity. Dems telling Greens that they are wasting their vote is condescending & won't work; by the same token, Greens telling Dems the same thing is no better. But both parties are doing it. No fun when it's done to you, is it?" --Jim Houghton

"While I agree that the Mayor's tactics to try to "equalize" the population by making it equally difficult for both men and women to remove their shirts in hot weather is absurd, I am disturbed that Mr. Christian attributed La Leche League to last summer's topfree movement at Dewitt Park. La Leche League is an International non-profit organization that promotes breastfeeding through mother-to-mother support and encouragement. Nursing a baby is not the same thing as putting your breasts on public display, & I am afraid that this misconception is precisely what makes nursing in public such a controversial issue." --Elizabeth Bauchner

"I love your community news. Citizens of Ithaca-- cancel your subscriptions to the Ithaca Journal, turn off Casey & call Time Warner & tell them 'so long it's been nice to know you.' Liberate yourselves with Ithaca Community News - the real story!" --Jon W.

"Small typo, appears multiple times in issue. URLs which contain the "=" character have it translated to "=3D", which is the hex equivalent of the "=". However, cutting and pasting the URL with the "=3D" into a browser may or may not work correctly." --Ted Crane

LETTER NOT ACCEPTED BY JOURNAL: "The Journal recently (9/9) rhapsodized about Scott Witham's departure from the City of Ithaca Planning Board. This letter is not meant as character assassination, but as a critique of Journal editorials.
---"The editorial talks about how wonderfully [Withiam] allowed all the big box development to proceed, then hastens to assure us that the Planning Board is not a rubber stamp. I spent a lot of time attending meetings about the Widewaters/Target/Home Depot developments & I challenge you to come up with one aspect of that project that the Planning Board did not rubber stamp. The developers got everything they wanted, including the tax-free use of public parkland for their wastewater treatment facility.
---"The editorial says 'the planning board chairperson should share the view that the city needs the kind of development that��s currently happening.' What about the quality of life issues of residents, neighborhoods, & natural areas? Shouldn't the chairperson be protecting their rights? If not, then the planning board is just a rubber stamp for business interests.
---"The backdrop behind this & many other Journal editorials, is that these big-box national chains will generate a lot of advertising revenue for the Ithaca Journal. This is not about good planning or objective journalism, this is a simple case of follow the money.
---"My final point is that I have never seen a member of the Journal editorial staff at a Planning Board meeting. Where do you get your information?" -Dennis Firsching
"HATICE05" wins gift certificate to Harvest Deli. Reply by 12/5 to claim.
"ALLMON" wins gift certificate to Gimme! Coffee. Reply by 12/5 to claim. --------

"I enjoy reading the Ithaca Community News - I always find something to follow up on!" --Brian
---[REPLY} Thanks! The newsletter is sponsored by reader donations: ICN, Box 365, Ithaca 14851



I Conservation of Natural Resources
"While 5 new conservation zoning districts are proposed, we note that there are a number of other environmentally sensitive &/or important areas which need protection, including:
a. The Fall Creek corridor
b. The Cascadilla Creek corridor
c. The Coy Glen corridor
d. The Lick Brook corridor
e. The Cayuga Inlet corridor, between Buttermilk Falls and Robert Treman State Parks (to maintain a continuous greenway / wildlife corridor along this entire valley throughout the Town).
f. The wooded hillside west of Taughannock Boulevard (to protect the views from the Lake and its parks)
g. The other Unique Natural Areas identified in the 1993 Plan."

II Agriculture
"Once land has been developed at a low density (but high enough to curtail commercial agriculture), its future redevelopment at higher densities is difficult. The attendant inefficient use of infrastructure is also of concern. We do not think it wise to exclude commercial agriculture completely from [the Medium Density Residential Zone]. Not only are there smaller scale & low impact forms of agriculture that would be compatible with residential use, but also compatible agriculture in a residential zone (such as a community-supported agriculture farm) could potentially serve adjoining residences & be supported by them while enhancing their quality of life."

III Smart Growth Integration
"...there is much in the ordinance that militates against traditional neighborhood design, ranging from lot sizes & setbacks to buffer zones between uses. ...we suggest that a traditional neighborhood design code be allowed as an alternative... where water & sewer are already available to support development or redevelopment. It would also make sense to target... such development [for] neighborhood commercial centers located on major traffic arteries..."

IV Other Integration Issues
The CPA also urges the Town to revise its subdivision regulations to require the construction of sidewalks in new Town residential subdivisions, to retrofit appropriate older Town neighborhoods with sidewalks, & to encourage the use of street networks (rather than cul-de-sac street design) in all new residential areas."

V Commerce and Industry
"...we note that not all commercial activity is incompatible with adjoining residential occupancies. We urge the Town to develop guidance for business location based on compatibility. Many businesses generate very little traffic, yet even low-impact home occupations require a special permit. While Traditional Neighborhood Design codes will accommodate this type of land use far better than traditional zoning, the fostering of new enterprises, the engines of economic growth, is of such overriding import that it deserves to be integrated into the ordinance as a whole."

"KMBENNETT" wins gift certificate to Oasis Natural Grocery. Reply by 12/5 to claim.


NEWFIELD VISIONS COMMITTEE offers proposals from 11/12 discussions: Economic development: establishing a restaurant or eatery. Beautification: plantings in various areas, including the entrances to Main St. from Route 13 & around the former Kelloggs Corners Schoolhouse. Contact Tom Gerow 272-7367.

PLANNING PARTNERSHIP BOARD proposed by Town of Ithaca, w/endorsement of Danby & Caroline, to facilitate implementation of the County's comprehensive plan. Authority for that currently "rests with the towns, the City, & the villages. For a regional plan to be effective, the local municipalities need to 'buy in' to the vision of the plan and implement it with local initiatives." --Joel Gagnon

WATERFRONT TRAIL RECEIVES $500,000 federal funding, to link CassPark Trail to Farmers' Market & Dey Street, enabling city residents to walk & bike to Inlet Island & Cass Park along Cayuga Inlet. Rick Manning

"NADILOU" wins gift certificate to Cinemapolis/FCP. Reply by 12/5 to claim.



PETE MEYERS SETS GREEN PARTY RECORD IN SHERIFF RACE: 26% countywide (winning one district in City) Nationwide this year, the Green Party received 5,949,758 votes in 40 states, many more than Nader running for President in 2000 in 46 states. Greens retained control of the Sebastopol, CA city council.

WORKING FAMILY PARTY retained its NYS ballot line:

REPUBLICAN REALITIES: "In the 34 states where Senate elections were held, the Republicans received votes from 19% of the voting age population. 81% of the voting age population chose not to vote for Republican candidates. 18% voted for the Democrats. After taking account of third party & independent candidates fully 60% of people over 18 in these states abstained.

"EBT6" wins gift certificate to Cafe Strand. Reply by 12/5 to claim.


GRANTS FOR ON-FARM RESEARCH "to help farmers shift to practices that are environmentally sound & profitable. Early December deadlines. Monika Roth 272-2292

STUDENTS RECEIVE "I DARE YOU LEADERSHIP AWARD" Abigail Losh of Ithaca & Erin Canfield of Brooktondale won "in recognition of personal integrity, balanced living & potential for leadership" 11/9 at 4-H. Over 7,000 schools/4-Hs participate.

"HENRIELM" wins gift certificate to Sparrow's Fine Wines. Reply by 12/5 to claim.


---MASSAGE AT HOME: 273-5415. 50% discount for Ithaca Health Fund members. General $5.00 discount until 1/1/04 Birdie McGruder [email protected]
---MASSAGE: Beth Dart NYS lic: Ithaca HOURS accepted, Health Fund discount.
---REIKI LEVEL 1 class12/14-15 at Fall Creek Wellness Ctr, 510 N. Tioga. "receive 4 Reiki attunements, history, practice, & certification. Cost $150. Ithaca Health Fund discount. HOURS accepted. Sandra Mennella 387-9224
---"FUNDAMENTALS OF QIGONG" by Maurice Haltom: free lecture 11/21 at 7:00pm, public library

"LITT" wins gift certificate to White Lotus Home. Reply by 12/5 to claim.
"MIKEPAM" wins gift certificate to Acorn Designs. Reply by 12/5 to claim.
"RONDA" wins gift certificate to The Yoga Corner. Reply by 12/5 to claim.


THANKS to Homer & Jane at LIGHTLINK for reliable internet service.


EDITOR: [email protected]